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Tizen Mobile Platform

  • Latest Tizen project
  • Support for Tizen 5.0, 4.0, 3.0

File Extension Support

Extenstions are defined via engines. Engines with tizenmobile support:


  • Tizen SDK 5.0
  • Make sure your CPU supports virtualization. Otherwise Tizen emulator might not start.
  • If you are deploying to a TV, follow this guide to set your TV in developer mode Link

Project Configuration

Tizen Studio2.5
Tizen SDK5.0
Babel Core7.1.2


Make sure you have at least 1 TV VM setup

rnv target launch -p tizenmobile -t M-5.0-x86


Run on Simulator

rnv run -p tizenmobile

Run on Device

rnv run -p tizenmobile -d

Run in Browser

rnv run -p tizenmobile --hosted


Clean and Re-build platform project

rnv run -p tizenmobile -r

Launch with specific Tizen simulator:

rnv run -p tizenmobile -t M-5.0-x86

App Config

see: Web based config